As the member of the Smartscan group of companies we are a notified body for the machinery directive. The notified body number is 1674.
Machinery Safety is what we care about. As specialists and experts in the sage design and manufacture of machines we have a world-recognised ability to add value to our customers.
Our team of experts has unsurpassed experience in control systems design and testing and has years of experience in writing and evaluating European and international standards.
Engineer from Safenet Headquarter Offered Trainning In Shanghai
5月中旬,SAFENET总部专派技术经理Perer McNicol来我公司进行危险机械相关内容的培训,并且和上海办公室的技术人员针对木工机械和保安部件进行了详细讨论; 同时技术经理Perer McNicol对新的机械指令进行了讲解,针对中国大陆的机械企业,我们将在新颁发的证书上添加新指令,这样使机械生产企业大大降低成本,免去2009年后换证的费用。