As the member of the Smartscan group of companies we are a notified body for the machinery directive. The notified body number is 1674.
Machinery Safety is what we care about. As specialists and experts in the sage design and manufacture of machines we have a world-recognised ability to add value to our customers.
Our team of experts has unsurpassed experience in control systems design and testing and has years of experience in writing and evaluating European and international standards.
ISO制定 镀层厚度测量 最新国际标准(草案)
ISO/TC107 技术委员会于2005年4月14 日至6月14日对最新制定的《金属和非金属基体上的非磁性金属覆盖层 厚度测量 相敏涡流法》最终草案进行投票,中国投票赞成。如获ISO/TC107技术委员会39个成员国一致通过,该标准降于今年内发布。