As the member of the Smartscan group of companies we are a notified body for the machinery directive. The notified body number is 1674.
Machinery Safety is what we care about. As specialists and experts in the sage design and manufacture of machines we have a world-recognised ability to add value to our customers.
Our team of experts has unsurpassed experience in control systems design and testing and has years of experience in writing and evaluating European and international standards.
欧盟人造板市场将有新壁垒 人造板产品需通过CE认证
近几年来,我国人造板出口欧盟的增幅较大,市场前景看好,势头强劲。面临欧盟实施CE认证的严峻挑战,中国企业若不及时采取有效的措施,丧失欧盟人造板市场就不可避免,势必造成巨大经济损失。 据介绍,ENl3986是欧盟CE认证的标准,通过了CE认证的产品可以在欧盟市场通行无阻。 |